KAN Recruitment, located in Kelowna, BC is a Recruitment Search Firm that specializes in professional recruitment placements for Kelowna companies.
KAN Recruitment invests time and effort in building long-term relationships with our clients and dedicates the time to truly learn the culture, systems and “fit” to ensure candidates placed are successful. Making quality connections with both our clients and our candidates is the key to ensuring a successful working relationship.
Searching, discovering and attracting the best in Kelowna’s talent takes a great deal of experience and time. At KAN Recruitment, we have customized and designed an in-depth system for the permanent recruitment process, one that is very effective and one that we are very proud.
Let us partner with you...whether you're looking for people to HIRE—or looking to be HIRED — the recruitment professionals at KAN Recruitment will put you on the most effective path to a successful hire.
a person or company that brings parties together for collaborative purposes.
"the company acts as an elite business matchmaker for the Okanagan"
Location: Kamloops, BC & Kelowna, BC
Position Status: CLOSED
Salary: $55,000 to $65,000 per year
It’s true – a happy office is a productive office! Sometimes, working in the corporate world can start to feel repetitive, 9-5, day in, week out. Give your team something to look forward to and celebrate their hard work with some team building event excitement. Here are 4 ideas to get your party creativity flowing and your team connecting!
It’s no secret that the world of employment is ever-changing – but don’t fear, we’ve got 4 top tips that you can utilize as an employer to not only attract the best talent….. but retain them as well!
Millennials approach their jobs and careers with a different set of expectations. They want to learn and develop, both professionally and personally. They want to understand how their careers are going to grow…..
If your company wants to recruit and hire top performers, you need to truly understand what they desire and need most from their employers. The answer may surprise you that it isn’t just a generous paycheque.
A great team is the secret to a thriving business! A happier workplace environment, greater profits and enhanced client relationships are just a few of the benefits to having a productive and high-performing team.
Mastering the art of recruiting top talent is a priority for growing businesses, but the hiring process can be complex. Occasionally you may make the wrong hire, a misstep that can be costly on many levels. The true cost of a poor hire can be difficult to measure, mostly because there are so many direct and indirect factors to contemplate. Here’s why you may want to consider employing a professional recruitment firm to serve you in finding the perfect, long-lasting candidates.
Creating a desirable culture is key when it comes to keeping your team happy and building a successful business. As one of the world’s biggest innovators, Google is a prime example of the level of productivity that is possible when a team is given a more “free-flow” approach to execute their project objectives.
While it’s not always ideal when a team member decides to leave your company, it still offers a valuable opportunity to collect information about the inner workings of your business from another point of view.
It’s important to consider quality over quickness when it comes to finding skilled applicants. Let’s explore some tasks you can tackle to help ensure you bring on the right candidate to the role.
If you’re the type of person who stops to talk to dogs more often than humans and smiles at the mere sight of a puppy: this one's for you!